Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Model making

is a b***h, practically every aspect of making model houses is horrible.
Firstly you have the cutting of card, which for some reason is insanely strong, due to about 1 million pieces of paper being super compressed into a 3mm thick card. Even using a great quality knife it takes about 20 scores over the same line to cut through it.
Secondly, the glue.
 Gluing it together isn't particularly dificult, if not fiddly, but you do run through glue awfully fast. Then when people ask you to borrow some they use a large proportion of the glue, more than likely because it's not theirs. At least have the common courtesy to ration the amount of glue seeing as you are asking a favour, but I guess everyone in my class is completely oblivious to this fact.
Because if someone asked for a piece of gum, you would think that they would take one, and in this case they seemed to take half of the pack. This glue isn't exactly cheap either, it's rather expensive seeing as the cost of college has increased.
Finally, after you have finished your "masterpiece" which took you multiple hours, and you bring it in only for it to be scoffed at and asked how you could make it better.
Tis a whore because the most redeeming fact is that I get to use my good knife.

Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Projects Galore

I've been doing this course properly for about 3 weeks now and I've already gotten about 5-7 projects. Thats a bit harsh when you think about it since we haven't even covered much at all yet and lectures start properly in 2 weeks.

I'm just going to list some of the projects, mostly for my own reference but if ye wanted to know what they were/are feel free to keep reading.

Studio, drawing
-Project no.1
Linework in pencil +lettering : COMPLETED
-Project no.2
Hatch, line +rotations: COMPLETED
-Project no.3
Projections:  N/F

Building Tech +Materials
-Project no1
Research, analysis + problem solving: N/F
-Project no.2
Tectonics: N/F

Building Services
-Project no.1
Case Study of an Energy Efficient Building: N/F

Monday, September 29, 2008


I suppose I shall use this blog to vent my thoughts on my college course.
If anybody sees this, you shouldn't expect constant updates.
rather like how i don't expect anyone to follow this.
But there you go, for anyone out there who would be rather
crazy enough to be reading this that is my intro to this blog thing.